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Lawrencce & Joyrce Wedding Day

Sharing the Moment on the Wedding Day Slide Show



Lawrencce Loo & Joyrce Teow2011/06/19 - 2:32 PM

We’d love to hear from you.
Thank you for dropping by, and for taking a walk with us on our journey.

Specially thanks to Alvin and LeeHoong drop us a message here.

Thousand thanks to Nicky and Small Wind captured all those sweet memories for us.

LeeHoong, my wife said she feel super “song” because you word “she is vr pretty…” haha…

leehoong862011/06/16 - 10:15 PM

she is vr pretty…nice album

Alvin2011/06/09 - 8:01 AM

SUI { beautiful }

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